Leistungsabzeichen "Die Gruppe im Hilfeleistungseinsatz": "firefighters" -> official -> 2013
Grillfeier FF Kemnath: "firefighters" -> events -> 2013
Jahreshauptversammlung FF Kemnath: "firefighters" -> official -> 2013
Christbaumversteigerung Kemnath: "firefighters" -> events -> 2012
Volkstrauertag: "firefighters" -> official -> 2012
Oldtimertreffen OG: vita & festivities
Leistungsprüfung "Die Gruppe im Löscheinsatz": "firefighters" -> official -> 2012
Feuerwehrtag der Marktgemeinde: "firefighters" -> official -> 2012
Walking tour: "firefighters" -> events -> 2012
Wedding of one of our team members: "firefighters" -> events -> 2012
Grillfest: "firefighters" -> events -> 2012
1. Gemeindelauf Postbauer-Heng: "firefighters" -> events -> 2012
Jahreshauptversammlung: "firefighters" -> official -> 2012
Christbaumversteigerung: "firefighters" -> events -> 2011
New photos: "vita and festivities"
Volkstrauertag in Kemnath: "firefighters" -> official -> 2011
Leistungsabzeichen "Gruppe im Hilfeleistungseinsatz": "firefighters" -> official -> 2011
Vatertagsgrillfest: "firefighters" -> events -> 2011
Jahreshauptversammlung: "firefighters" -> official -> 2011
Volkstrauertag: "firefighters" -> official -> 2010
Kameradschaftsabend (Oct): "firefighters" -> events -> 2010
125th anniversary of FF Kemnath - Gipfelstürmer: "firefighters" -> events -> 2010
125th anniversary of FF Kemnath - Festzug: "firefighters" -> events -> 2010
125th anniversary of FF Kemnath - Kirchenzug / Fahrzeugweihe: "firefighters" -> events -> 2010
125th anniversary of FF Kemnath - Bayerischer Abend: "firefighters" -> events -> 2010
125th anniversary of FF Kemnath - Megarocknacht: "firefighters" -> events -> 2010
125th anniversary of FF Kemnath - Kabarett (Christian Springer alias Fonsi): "firefighters" -> events -> 2010
Fahrradtour: "firefighters" -> events -> 2010
Ehrenabend: "firefighters" -> official -> 2010
Festzug Lengenfeld: "firefighters" -> official -> 2010
Übung: "firefighters" -> official -> 2010
Jubiläumsfestversammlung: "firefighters" -> official -> 2010
Leistungsabzeichen "Gruppe im Löscheinsatz": "firefighters" -> official -> 2010
Vatertagsgrillfest: "firefighters" -> events -> 2010
Group photos on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of our local fire department FF Kemnath
Falbala, Findus (sold) and Francis (sold) are born. Falbala will be looking for a new home after Juli 8 2010.
Kameradschaftsabend (Mar): "firefighters" -> events -> 2010
Christbaumversteigerung Heng: "firefighters" -> events -> 2010
Christbaumversteigerung: "firefighters" -> events -> 2010
Volkstrauertag: "firefighters" -> official -> 2009
Übung: "firefighters" -> official -> 2009
Brauereibesichtigung in Pyras: "firefighters" -> events -> 2009
Weinfest FF Kemnath: "firefighters" -> events -> 2009
Gemeindefeuerwehrtag Postbauer-Heng: "firefighters" -> official -> 2009
Rabbit Alisa moved in
Update in the category "cats"
Rabbit Whisky moved in
Several categories updated
Kirchweih Köstlbach: "firefighters" -> events -> 2009
New pictures: "firefighters" -> official -> 2009
Update in the category "firefighters" -> official -> 2009
Categories "my cats" and "miscellaneous photography" updated
Some new pictures in the category "firefighters" -> events -> 2009
You can find some new photos in: "firefighters" -> official -> 2009, "miscellaneous photography" and "cats"
New pictures in the categories "my cats", "firefighters" and "miscellaneous photography"
Updates in the category "firefighters" -> official -> 2004 and -> 2006, -> events -> 2005
New pictures in the category "firefighters": "Kameradschaftsabend 07 Mar 2009"
A lot of old pictures in the category "firefighters" -> events -> 2003 and -> 2004
You can find some new photos in: "firefighters" -> official -> 2009
Categories "my cats" and "traveling" updated
Some new pictures in the category "firefighters" (official 2008)
You can find some new pictures in the category "firefighters" (events 2008 and events 2006)
Second edition online